Friday, September 24, 2010

My Little Girl

This weekend, she turns 14. I continue to be amazed to hang out with her, and interact with her, as a parent and often times as a peer. We have built quite the relationship of peerness surrounding our racquetball interests. She often attends games of mine and coaches me, successfully. I return the favor and coach her.
This peerness has migrated to other places of our relationship. Its amazing to see her turn into a real person with her own values and habits and goals. She is still a child, but the adult she will become peeks thru on occasion, often catching me by surprise to see who she will be and realize we will be adults together at some point. In the not so distant future.
Her birthday is this weekend, and in preparation for this momentous event (all birthdays should be momentous) she is planning her planning for Friday night with friends. We took a trip down to the park nearby to see about using a pavilion, and to make sure that it had power for the radio and music that she 'needs' to be present at the activity. We rode our bikes down there, and it was odd for me to simply be along for the ride as she made her plans, and envisioned how the party would occur. Very much in control of what she wants to happen, and able to see the vision of how to accomplish it, i stand back in awe as she takes the reigns and gets it done. A joy to participate in this transition from child to adult.
We had a great time looking at the park, riding our bikes around, and simply being together. She allowed her little sister to tag along, and i could go on and on at the amazing things that this child does to cause me to stand in awe and wonder as well. But this post is mainly about my eldest. My soon to be 14 year old. The amazing experience it is to participate in her life and help her 'become' whom she will be. I always thought that parents had a little more control over what their children became. But that is not so. We can point the rope in the direction we want, think it should traverse space, ensuring its headed in the right direction, but we must realize that its a greased rope that we are unable to grasp and control. Gentle nudging does the trick, if its started at an early age, and followed thru continuously.
I mentioned before that she has her own values and habits and goals. I love to see her stand up for herself, even against her parents, when something conflicts with her values. She is persistent in reminding anyone the way it should be. Amazing. I stand in awe.

Happy birthday daughter. Thanks for sharing your life with me.


  1. I don't know which fills my heart to bursting; the grownup attitudes of my oldest son as he faces the reality of a child growing up--or--my oldest granddaughter approaching that same adulthood with her own perspective and powers. Watching children grow is the reward of dealing with their vagaries.Love ABA and OBO
